Posted by admin | Jul 27, 2019 | Community | 0 |
IT WAS ANOTHER GOOD NIGHT of participation on Lake Fairfield July 16th as twenty-one area fishermen used their talents to catch nine bass during the event. Rain Drop

Placing first and winning first place money of $210 was A.J. Settle of Bremond.
His best fish of the night weighed 6.30 pounds, beating out second place finisher Bryan Kelm of Corsicana with his 5.73 pound largemouth bass.
Fishing weights used to be made of lead, but in 1986 lead was banned in the UK for use as any part of the overall fishing accessories. In ancient times, and even into surprisingly modern times too, stones have been used to weigh down a fishing lure. Soft stone, such as steatite, can be easily shaped and will work well. These days anglers in the UK use non toxic fishing weights. The materials vary, but they have no poisonous qualities.
Weights and sinkers can be bought in any good fishing tackle shop, and are usually shaped in a teardrop. Sometimes they are also made in a diamond or egg kind of shape. If fishing is to take place among weed beds, then a cone or bullet shaped weight that can force itself through the obstructions is likely to work best. Needless to say, weights for fishing are available in different sizes and therefore different weights. They can range from a few grams to a few kilograms, depending on the fishing needs.
For light weights, steel or brass works quite well. But where heavy weights are required, these materials tend to become too bulky to maintain the level of weight needed. Tungsten has become popular with anglers for this reason. It is denser than lead, which means that you can have a similar weight to lead, but for roughly half the bulk. This makes tungsten fishing weights less conspicuous and more efficient. Unfortunately though, tungsten is quite a lot more expensive than lead, but this is really its only drawback.
However, some environmental groups have raised questions about the long-term effects of tungsten in water. It is not known for certain whether it is safe or not, and while it appears to be reasonably benign, there are those who say we need to be sure – lead free fishing weights also need to be non toxic weights. The interesting thing in this respect is that it is really quite easy to create your own natural and definitely non toxic fishing weights.
In the USA they call them sandsinkers. They are small fabric containers that hold sand as the weight. The fabric can be large or small, depending on the need, and can be sealed off to keep the sand in place. An old baby sock is actually ideal as the fabric. All you need after that is some sand. This arrangement is perfectly friendly for any environment, and it works well as fishing weights too. It has the added advantage of being very, very cheap and easy to make.
Kelms took home $126 in winnings while Spencer Fair of Fairfield placed third.
Fair’s fish weighed 5.40 pounds and captured a payout of $84.
The Lake Fairfield tournament is held each Tuesday night from 5:30 until 8:30 pm. Entry fee is $20 per angler with 100% payback of the total entry fee purse.
Freestone County Times, Inc. 401 East Commerce, Fairfield, Texas 75840 Phone: 903-389-NEWS (6397) – Fax: 903-389-2636

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